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People are posting AI-generated yearbook

People are posting AI-generated yearbook pictures with this viral app

People are diving deep into the world of childhood nostalgia by creating school yearbook photos, all thanks to the latest AI-powered social media trend. The app behind this trend is called Epik. It’s a free-to-download photo editing app that offers a unique ’90s-style yearbook photo edit. This feature has taken the internet by storm, especially on platforms like Instagram and TikTok.

The trend has gained such immense popularity that Epik now stands as the top trending free app in the App Store. While downloading the app is free, users have to pay if they wish to generate their own ’90s-inspired yearbook photos.

How to create AI-generated yearbook photos with Epik:

  1. Open the Epik app: Once you open the app, you’ll find the AI Yearbook option. However, a disclaimer pops up, cautioning users that “AI results may not always be satisfactory.” Indeed, some results can be quite off the mark. For instance, several pictures generated didn’t resemble Todd Haselton, the deputy technology editor at CNBC, at all.
  2. Choose a payment tier: There are two paid tiers based on the app’s wait times:
  1. Upload your photos: Both tiers allow users to generate 60 yearbook pictures using 8-12 photos they upload. These pictures are then categorized into various titles such as “best dressed” and “most athletic.”
  2. Note on privacy: The app strictly prohibits the upload of photos of children. Moreover, any photo that’s uploaded gets deleted from the app’s servers once the yearbook pictures are generated. However, due to the app’s soaring popularity and a “rapid increase in users,” some users have experienced delayed wait times. Some have even been prompted to try again later.

Sample Generation:

The Epik app has certainly tapped into a unique niche, blending nostalgia with the power of AI to create memorable yearbook photos. Whether you’re looking to relive your school days or just want to see what AI thinks of your ’90s style, Epik might just be the app for you.

Here are more images related to the Epik AI-generated yearbook pictures:

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Feel free to click on the “Source” links to view the images in their original context.

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